* Aspirational. Amazing. Authentic. We have lovingly sourced this luxury pre-loved designer handbag from one of the world’s luxury brands. * This bag has been authenticated original by independent experts who really know what makes these pieces so sought after. * Comes with its own certificate of authenticity. * Pre-loved handbags may carry some signs of wear, which is part of their unique character * H: 18.5cm. W: 22.5cm. D: 8.5cm * Grade rating: AB (Good): This bag may present small cracks in the canvas or leather, as well as signs of patina. The hardware may be tarnished but the overall structure is maintained.
* Aspirational. Amazing. Authentic. We have lovingly sourced this luxury pre-loved designer handbag from one of the world’s luxury brands.
* This bag has been authenticated original by independent experts who really know what makes these pieces so sought after.
* Comes with its own certificate of authenticity.
* Pre-loved handbags may carry some signs of wear, which is part of their unique character
* H: 18.5cm. W: 22.5cm. D: 8.5cm * Grade rating: AB (Good): This bag may present small cracks in the canvas or leather, as well as signs of patina. The hardware may be tarnished but the overall structure is maintained.